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Athletic Department

Registration Links for Athletics 2024-25

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Registration Links for Athletics 2024-25

  • Clearance for Athletics is a two step process:
  • Step One) To begin your registration for athletic participation - Please download the physical form below - your physical is valid for one year and must be updated annually.  
  • Step Two) All participants in athletics must complete the Sports Net online registration process - Please click the link below to begin. Physical forms can be uploaded into sportsnet during your registration.
    Online Registration for Athletic Eligibility
    The SUHSD has gone to an online registration and clearance process for athletic eligibility. If you would like a hard copy of the eligibility packet please see Ms. Padilla in the AVP office.
  • Physical Form - PDF

  • This specific form must be completed by a licensed MD to participate in athletics. Chiropractors are NOT accepted for athletic clearance.
  • Physical Form in Spanish - PDF
  • (this is also available when you register on SportsNet)
Voluntary Student Insurance Forms: 
CIF Statement - December 1, 2020 

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CIF Statement - December 1, 2020 

Former Wildcats in the News...

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Former Wildcats in the News...

Former WHS Baseball Player Joseph King drafted in the Major League Baseball Draft
Joseph King
Former WHS Wildcat Soccer player Jill Aguilera - Daily Journal Article
Former WHS Wildcat Cross Country Runner Casey Orton - UC Santa Cruz
Former Wildcats in the News.....

Former_Wildcats_in_the_News..... iconFormer Wildcats in the News.....title

UC Santa Cruz
UC Santa Cruz
Max M
Nancy Staves
2022 WHS College Bound Athletes

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2022 WHS College Bound Athletes

Luke Buddie- UC Berkeley- Track

Elise Evans - Stanford- Soccer

Brynn Adasiewicz - Waldorf Univ- Wrestling

Emma Kinder - CSM- Softball

Angie Sugar - Skyline- Basketball

Kevin Lagrade - Foothill College- Football

Diego Ruiz - SJSU- Soccer

Virginia Pistilli - CalTech- Cross Country and Track

Ryan Mills - Chapman - Water Polo

Elle Marsyla - Harvey Mudd College - Cross Coutntry, Track

Congratulations Coach Nancy Staves - 2020 CCS Spring Honor Coach

Congratulations_Coach_Nancy_Staves_-_2020_CCS_Spring_Honor_Coach iconCongratulations Coach Nancy Staves - 2020 CCS Spring Honor Coachtitle

Nancy Staves

Congratulations to Head Badminton Coach Nancy Staves for being named 2020 Spring CCS Honor Coach. 


Congratulations Coach Jose Navarette - 2020 CCS Winter Honor Coach

Congratulations_Coach_Jose_Navarette_-_2020_CCS_Winter_Honor_Coach iconCongratulations Coach Jose Navarette - 2020 CCS Winter Honor Coachtitle

Jose Navarette

Congratulations to Head Varsity Girls Soccer Coach Jose Navarette for being named 2020 Winter CCS Honor Coach. 

Joseph King - 2019 San Mateo County Baseball Player of the Year

Joseph_King_-_2019_San_Mateo_County_Baseball_Player_of_the_Year iconJoseph King - 2019 San Mateo County Baseball Player of the Yeartitle

Joseph King
 Click HERE to read the article - 2019 San Mateo County Baseball Player of the Year
Joseph King named 2020 Freshman Collegiate Baseball All-American
Click HERE to read the article
2019 Girls Lacrosse - WBAL Skyline Division Champions

2019_Girls_Lacrosse_-_WBAL_Skyline_Division_Champions icon2019 Girls Lacrosse - WBAL Skyline Division Championstitle

Girls Lacrosse


 Click HERE to help support out Student Athletes
Mission Statement

Mission_Statement_ iconMission Statement title

The Woodside High School Athletic Department provides opportunities for all students who seek to compete in high school athletics and represent Woodside High School. Woodside strongly believes that high school sports are an essential component of our extra-curricular activities which promote and reinforce the values of a strong work ethic, teamwork, delayed gratification and physical fitness. We value sportsmanship and strive to establish a competitive environment that aligns with our 8 Conditions of Student Success.

Study hard. Practice hard. Play hard.

Letterman Jacket Order Information

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Letterman Jacket Order Information

Wildcats - to order a Letterman Jacket you have two options:
1) Go directly to the Neff Letter Jacket Page - click here.  If you would like to see a sample of this product, visit the Athletic Director's Office in the Admin Building.
Jacket Shop Emblem
Remember that your letters, emblems, class year, etc. can be picked up in the Athletic Director's Office with verification of participation. 
Contact the Athletic Administrator

Contact_the_Athletic_Administrator iconContact the Athletic Administratortitle

Click to send an email message. Click to visit a a teacher's web page.
Name Phone
Tim Faulkner Athletic Director  43710  mail symbol
Chuck Velschow Assistant Vice-Principal, Athletics  40030  email symbol
Zayra Padilla Administrative Assistant to Mr.Velschow  40031  Click to select an icon...
Andrew La  Athletic Trainer 43702  Click to select an icon... 
Coaching Vacancies

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Coaching Vacancies

We currently have the following paid stipend coaching vacancies for the 2023-24 school year:

If interested in a position please submit your resume to Administrative Vice Principal, Chuck Velschow,( or call directly at (650) 367-9750 x 40031 or Athletic Director Tim Faulkner ( or call directly at (650) 367-9750 x 43710
Woodside High School's Scholar-Athletes

Woodside_High_School's_Scholar-Athletes iconWoodside High School's Scholar-Athletestitle

The Zone - 3.0 and above
College Athletic Eligibility Information

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College Athletic Eligibility Information

  • Click here for some basic information on how to play sports in college, produced by the National Association of College Admissions. 
  • NCAA Eligibility Center 
    If you are planning on playing intercollegiate sports at a four year university affiliated with the NCAA you must register on this site.
  • NAIA Eligibility Center
    If you are planning on playing inter-collegiate sports at a four year school affiliated with the NAIA, you must begin the registration process on this site.
  • More Resources:
  • Eleven College Athletes Discuss their Experience (Article from the Huffington Post) 
SUHSD Athletic Information

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SUHSD Athletic Information

Updated Athletic Information from the SUHSD District including Academic Elgibility requirements can be found in the SUHSD Athletics Webpage. 

Scholarships/Jobs for Student-Athletes

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Scholarships/Jobs for Student-Athletes

Training Sites for Coaches

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Training Sites for Coaches