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Mr. Ezrati's Website

Me with my kids

Enjoying Disneyland with my kids

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About Me

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About Me

This is my 17th year teaching at the amazing Woodside High School in the beautiful Bay Area. I was born and raised in the Bay Area. After graduating from San Mateo High School in 2001, I left for the Pacific Northwest to attend the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA. Four years later I graduated with honors with a B.S. in Biology. UPS is a private, liberal arts university, and, I received a first-rate education in many scientific disciplines besides just biology.

My college experience also let me continue my passion for music. I have been an active saxophone and guitar player for many years. I played all throughout my schooling and continue to play today although much of my playing now is kids songs for my son and daughter. While teaching and science will always be my first passions, music will continue to be a close second.

Upon completion of my undergraduate education, I decided to stay at UPS for a fifth year to earn my Master's in Arts of Teaching. Education has always been a significant part of my life so it seemed logical to make a career out of one of my passions. After finishing my schooling I received numerous job offers in the greater Puget Sound area, but I felt that it was time to return to my home town and I haven't looked back since. I love teaching at Woodside and I am very thankful for the students and teachers I get to work with.

In addition to teaching at Woodside, I also work part-time for the Sequoia Union High School District as a mentor for first and second-year teachers. This year I am working with eight teachers in addition to teaching three classes at Woodside High School.

Feel free to contact me anytime to talk about any of my classes, my students, music, sports, food, or anything else. I am a big-time football and ice hockey fan. I love to talk about both.

Office Hours

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Office Hours

Becuase of my obligations at the district office and with the teachers I mentor, I am sometimes off campus and unavailable to meet with students. I am on campus, though, every A day starting at 8:15. I am free to meet with students during lunch and after school on A days.  I encourage all students to contact me via email if they need to mee with me so that we can arrange a time that works for both of us. Please let me know if you need extra help! Do not suffer in silence!  Tutorial is a great time to seek extra help.


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This year I will be using a program called Canvas to post all homework assignments, test dates, and grades. As with any piece of technology, sometimes things don't work as well as one would hope so please be patient.

Homework will be announced at the start and end of every class. Use your school planner! Remember that in addition to the assigned homework, I always expect my students to regularly study and review class material. Let me know if you have questions.

Also, many important school documents, presentations, and resources can now be found on Canvas.