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Shared Decision-Making Council (SDMC)


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The Shared Decision Making Council (SDMC) is a representative body of school/community stakeholders that takes up emergent issues with regard to teaching and learning at Woodside HS. The SDMC consists of Students (2), Certificated Staff Members (9), Classified Staff Members (2), Administrators(1), Parents (3), and Community members (1)

Shared Decision-Making will create an environment in which all stakeholders’ work to ensure: 


  • the opportunity to actively participate in the decision-making process 
  • support of decisions once they are made, 
  • acceptance of individual responsibilities and accountability to each other, 
  • mutual respect and trust among all diverse groups, 
  • continual growth and openness to new ideas.


La comunidad de Woodside High School está comprometida a la excelencia. La Toma de Decisiones Compartidas proporcionará a todos los colaboradores (el personal, estudiantes, padres y miembros de la comunidad) con una voz y una oportunidad para afectar positivamente la enseñanza, y el clima de  Woodside High School.  
La Toma de Decisiones Compartidas creará un ambiente en el cual todos los colaboradores trabajen para garantizar:
  • la oportunidad de participar en el proceso de la toma de decisiones,  
  • el apoyo de las decisiones una vez que se tomen, 
  • aceptación de responsabilidades individuales y responsabilidad entre sí, 
  • mutual respeto mutuo y confianza entre todos los diversos grupos, 
  • crecimiento continuo y sinceridad a nuevas ideas.
Evaluation and Issues/Concern items

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Evaluation and Issues/Concern items

Issue/Concern Form
Any member of the stakeholder communities can submit an issue/concern form related to teaching and learning for consideration by the SDMC/SSC. The process group, a subgroup of the SDMC/SSC, then makes a recommendation to SDMC for where to place the issue/concern form. For example, the SDMC may respond to issue/concern form by creating an Ad Hoc group to further investigate the issue/concern and make recommendations to the SDMC/SSC. Please submit a completed form to Matthew Sahagun ( or deliver it in person to Woodside High School.

Artículos de Evaluación y Asuntos/Preocupaciones 

Cualquier colaborador puede presentar un formulario de asuntos/preocupaciones al facilitador del SDMC. El enfoque principal del SDMC es la enseñanza  y el aprendizaje, así que otros asuntos pueden ser enviados a otros grupos. Por favor presente el formulario completo a Matthew Sahagun ( o entréguela en persona a Woodside High School.
Current Charter

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Current Charter

The SDMC Charter was last revised in January 2009. The appendix is updated annually.

SDMC SSC Members 2024-2025 

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SDMC SSC Members 2024-2025 

SDMC Members
SSC Members
Brent Alfieri (certificated)
Brent Alfieri (teacher)
Gordan Budimirovic (certificated) Sam Chouli (parent)
Jesus Cervantes (certificated) Kelly Dolan (teacher)
Sam Chouli (parent) Stephanie Finander (teacher)
Kelly Dolan (certificated) Emma Funge (student)
Stephanie Finander (certificated) Denise Hines (other school staff)
Emma Funge (student) Sam Kasle (parent)
Denise Hines (classified) Katherine Morales (student)
Sam Kasle (parent) Jennifer Reif (parent)
Raphael Kauffmann (certificated) Nicole Taylor (teacher)
Thelma Mooney (certificated) Sophia Thompson (student)
Katherine Morales (student) Karen Van Putten (administrator)
Maria Mayte Nieto (classified)
Karen Seiko Peterson (community)
Jennifer Reif (parent)
Lynelle Sigona (certificated)
Nicole Taylor (certificated)  
Sophia Thompson (student)  
Karen Van Putten (principal)  
Cara Klackle (non-voting admin)
Contact SDMC Facilitator

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Task Forces and Collaborative Groups

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Task Forces and Collaborative Groups

The meeting schedule for the collaborative groups and task forces was approved at the September 10, 2012 SDMC/SSC meeting. The collaboration period is every Wednesday from 2:15-3:15. The list of groups that meet on days designated as Collaboration 2 is also attached.

  • Grupos De Trabajo y Grupos Colaborativos 

  • El calendario de reunión para los grupos colaborativos y grupos de trabajo fue aprobado en la reunión del SDMC/SSC el 10 de septiembre de 2012. El periodo de colaboración es cada miércoles de 2:15-3:15. También se adjunta la lista de los grupos que se reúne los días designados como Colaboración 2.