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A little about me...

A_little_about_me... iconA little about me...title

My name is Hadi Kaddoura. I currently teach two periods of Algebra II /Trig and three periods of Algebra 1. I am married with four children ages 9, 11, 23 and 24. I enjoy working with kids. In my spare time I coach little kids soccer.

Aside from teaching math, my goal is to make students feel good about themselves, enjoy the class, respect each other and act honestly and responsibly at all times. Part of my mission is to shift the students' focus from grades and points to LEARNING and UNDERSTANDING. I will try my best to instill passion for learning in general, especially towards mathematics. I will teach them that failing is not an end but rather the first step in learning. My students basically will discover that they CAN DO MATH and it can be done while having fun.

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started, the secret of getting started is breaking complex tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." Mark Twain

can you find the square roots of (1+i)

Last updated 12/01/2011

Algebra I

Algebra_I iconAlgebra Ititle

Algebra I Content Standards
Assignments for Quarter IV 3/21-6/01/2012
Online tutorials by topic/concept
If you need help with specific topic in algebra 1 or other subjects.. try link below..
CST sample questions- All subjects
Algebra 1 Syllabus
Assignmentss chapters 1 & 2
Assignments chapter 3
Assignments chapter 4
Quarter 3 assignments/chapters 5,6 and 10
chapter 11assignments-pacing starting 3/26
chapter 12 assignments spring 2012
chapter 13 assignments spring 2012
extra practice worksheets
Algebra II/Trigonometry

Algebra_II/Trigonometry iconAlgebra II/Trigonometrytitle

Final exam review packet-Trig -2014
project: Model of the Golden Gate Bridge
ProjectII: application
projectIII: the Graphing Art
History of Math-research project
History of math-research project-Rubric
Chapters 11-12 assignments spring2014
Algebra II/ Trigonometry Content Standards
Resources:How to improve my grade
Resources: How to grade a HW
Chapter 12 Probabilities review packet
Resources:How to access Textbook online
use link below to access textbook online enter access code: C9EBAF92D0
Resources:Online Tutorials by course/topic
if you are having problem(s) with one or more concept in Algebra I, Algebra II or other subjects.. try link below..
CST parctice tests answer key: periodic tests
CST practice tests.. all subjetcs
Final exam review/chapters 13/14
chapter 6 review packet and KEY
Resources:Extra pracice worksheets from Algebra 1
:chapters 9.4-14.7
Ch.10 take home test
CAHSEE practice Packet
Syllabus 2013-2014
Assignments chapter 1-chapter 5.3
fall Final exam review chapters 1-3,5-8
Final exam review