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Boys Golf

Athletic Boosters

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Head Coach - Chris DawkinsChris Dawkins

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Head Coach - Chris DawkinsChris Dawkins

Chris DawkinsChris Dawkins has over 15 years of experience in the golf industry. After graduating from the Golf Academy in San Diego 2008, Chris has had a long time passion for growing the game of golf. Currently Chris has a business teaching after school programs to juniors here in the Bay Area. Chris is dedicated and well connected with the industry and business. Chris is a very avid golfer and between teaching golf Chris takes his skills to the course on a weekly basis with the dream of competing on the PGA Tour.

Golf Program Description

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Golf Program Description

Golf at Woodside is a Co-Ed sport, which competes in the Peninsula Athletic League. The program's goal is to teach the players to learn and have an appreciation for the game of golf. The program highly emphasizes ettiquette and rules. During the course of the season players will practice and expand on the science of the swing and aspects of the short game. We emphasize the respect, responsibility, and honesty of the game.

2022 WHS Golf

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