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Boys Lacrosse

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2025 Practice Information / Schedule

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2025 Practice Information / Schedule

1st Week Pratice Schedule:
Monday, February 3: 4:00-6:00 pm - JV Grass Field 
Tuesday, February 4:  4:00-6:00 pm - JV Grass Field
Wednesday, February 5: 3:00-5:00 pm (TBD) - JV Grass Field 
Thursday, February 6: 4:00-6:00 pm - JV Grass Field 
Friday, February 7: 4:00-6:00 pm - JV Grass Field
Student-athletes must be registered and cleared (academically and medically) via SportsNet (preferably by Friday, 11/1/2024).
Register with SportsNet and get Medical Clearance forms here:
For questions - Email Head Coach Michael Nienkerk
2025 Boys Lacrosse

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Michael Nienkerk - Head Varsity Lacrosse Coach

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Michael Nienkerk - Head Varsity Lacrosse Coach

A Redwood City original, Michael Nienkerk was born and raised in 94062.  Starting in 1993, this year marks his 30th anniversary in the world of Lacrosse.  Michael played highschool Lacrosse for the Palo Alto Tomahawks Lacrosse Club and played college Lacrosse for Sonoma State University.  After finishing college, and with a desire to give back to the program that gave him so much, he returned to the Palo Alto Club as the head coach for the junior varsity team, as well as goaltender coach and assistant varsity coach, for six years.  As a head coach, he led his team to win the NCJLA Northern California Championship three out of six years, winning in 2002, 2003, and 2005.  After stepping away from coaching in 2007, he has decided to return to coaching for the 2023 season.
Contact Coach Nienkerk

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