Below is a list of our Education Specialists who support our special education community.
Students with orthopedic impairments, or disabilities significantly affecting a student's ability to move, communicate, and/or walk; students on the autism spectrum with social, emotional, and academic needs; and students with intellectual disability are provided support in the Independent Living Skills program.
The program provides a highly structured, highly modified functional academic and life skills curriculum to meet the individual needs of students as outlined on their IEPs. Academic instruction, independence training, social skills, and transition services are integral components of the program.
Holly Parry
ILS Teacher (all grades)
ILS Teacher
(all grades)
Students who require a small setting with counseling support to access the curriculum attend classes in the STARS program. Mental Health Case Workers support students by offering direct counseling services.
Co-Department Chair
STARS Teacher/English I/II, III/IV
Study Skills (all grades)
STARS Teacher
Life Skills/Ethnic Studies, World History
US History, Gov/Econ
Study Skills (all grades)
STARS Teacher
Science, VPA, Study Skills
(all grades)
STARS Math Classes
(all grades)
(all grades)
STARS School Psychologist
STARS Therapist
STARS Therapist
The Speech and Language program at Woodside High School is designed to help students with language processing, voice, speech articulation or fluency changes. Assessment procedures may be indicated after a formal screening. Subsequent speech therapy is based on specific test results that profile the student's area of need.