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Health Office

Ms. Nanette Pasion

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Ms. Nanette Pasion


Nanette Pasion, the Health Aide, provides first aid and emergency care to students and maintains cumulative health and immunization records for all students. In addition, the health aide can help students obtain health related resources available in the community.


Office hours are 8:15am-4:30pm

Phone: x40060

Fax Number: (650) 216-3594


The district nurse, Kristin Coronado, is available on site every Mondays, Tuesdays and every other Wednesday. She can assist in identifying and following up on any and all students who may have chronic, acute, or latent health problems.

Her office phone is 650-367-9750 x45332.

Please note that the health office can not dispense any over the counter medication to students without a doctor's order and parent/guardian's permission on file in the health office.

For further information about medication procedures at school, please refer to the Student Behavior Handbook.

New Immunization Requirements as of July 2019

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