Summer School is available in two sessions each summer. Each session is 3 weeks long and offers 5 credits. Summer School course offerings vary from year to year. Students sign up for Summer School with their school counselors during class registration in the Spring. Summer School schedules are usually mailed home in the last week of May or first week of June.
One online credit recovery program is available at Woodside High School: Edgenuity.
Students can sign up for online credit recovery through their school counselors. School counselors can provide information on credit requirements and the credit recovery opportunities available.
Students who sign up for online credit recovery (Edgenuity) must attend the Credit Recovery Lab to...
1. Enroll in the online program. After receiving the credit recovery form from a School Counselor, students must attend the Credit Recovery Lab for an orientation to the online program.
2. Take exams and submit written work. All tests (each unit test and the final) must be taken in the Credit Recovery Lab with teacher. Tests taken at home will not count.
Courses must be completed within 4 months of the program orientation for credits to be counted towards graduation.