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Student Store

Student Store

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Student Store

The Student Store is located in D7. It is run by the students in leadership. The store sells some school supplies and limited spirit apparel.

The Student Store is mainly open during brunch, lunch, and after-school (approximately 15 minutes). Students are not allowed to purchase items during class time.

Off-campus people who are interested in making a purchase are welcome to do so. Please contact Mrs. With to make arrangements. 


Most school spirit apparel is sold through the Woodside High School Athletic Booster Organization through their online store


Water Bottle
WHS Pride Slides
WHS Grey Short Sleeve
Long Sleeve-White Shirt, Front
Long Sleeve-White Shirt, Back
Long Sleeve-Black Shirt, Front
Long Sleeve-Black Shirt, Back
WHS Socks
PE Requirements and Pricing

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PE Requirements and Pricing

Students are required to wear proper athletic clothes in order to participate safely and maintain proper health and hygiene in PE.
Se requiere que los estudiantes usen ropa deportiva adecuada para poder participar de manera segura y mantener la salud e higiene adecuadas en la clase de educación física.

Students have two options to meet the PE clothing requirements.
Los estudiantes tienen dos opciones para cumplir con los requisitos de vestimenta de educación física.

1) Students are allowed to wear Woodside High School clothing purchased through the Student Store or Athletic Booster Organization. Items purchased through these vendors are accepted regardless of the color and solid requirements.
Los estudiantes pueden usar ropa de Woodside High School comprada a través de la tienda de estudiantes o de la organización Athletic Booster. Los artículos comprados a través de estos proveedores se aceptan independientemente del color y los requisitos de
OR //  

2) Students may purchase clothing at a local retailer. The clothing must be solid (no writing) and meet the color requirements:
Los estudiantes pueden comprar ropa en una tienda local. La ropa debe ser sólida (sin escritura) y cumplir con los requisitos de color:
● T-shirt (gray) // Camiseta (gris)
● Sweatpants or shorts (black) // Pantalones deportivos o shorts (negros)
● If a sweatshirt is desired, it must be black //  Si se desea sudadera, ésta debe ser negra.

Socks are also required in addition to athletic shoes. // También se requieren calcetines además de zapatos deportivos
Please check the price list for items available in the Student Store. // Consulte la lista de precios de los artículos disponibles en la Tienda para estudiantes.

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Please feel free to email orders or questions.

Name   Phone
Email Web
With, Leslie Student Activities Director  44000