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Open House Thursday March 6. Minimum Day Friday, March 7. No 1st period on Minimum Days.

Welcome to Woodside High School

Field Day 2024 - M. Strathdee

Field Day 2024 - M. Strathdee

Field Day 2024 Photo by A. Campbell

Field Day 2024 Photo by A. Campbell

Field Day 2024 Photo by A. Campbell

Field Day 2024 Photo by A. Campbell



Come visit your student's classroom and learn about what your student has been working on and has accomplished this school year. ELAC will be selling homemade tamales* and the Culinary Arts class will be selling fried rice at the top of the quad starting at 6:00pm. Classrrom visits will start at 7:00pm and last until 8:30pm. 


Woodside High School is proud to offer to Juniors and their families information on college and the application process. This four week program is hosted by the WHS College Advisors. 


Congratulations to Evan Usher for setting a new woodside record in the discus throw. The 1960’s record was surpassed when Evan threw over 167 feet! His throw of 167 feet and 4.5 inches is just a start!! Watch out for this super star because he is looking to set even more records!
Congratulations to the WHS Photography program for being recognized in the RWC Pulse
PROM 2025

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PROM 2025

This year’s Junior/Senior Prom, A Night at Gatsby’s, will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2025, at Lake Chalet in Oakland. The doors open at 8:00 pm and doors close at 9:00 pm. The dance will end at 11:30 pm. Students who leave before the dance concludes will not be allowed back into the venue. Attendees must wait until the doors close to leave the event. Students are not required to have a date for this dance. Woodside only sells single tickets.  
TICKETS:  Tickets for the dance will be on sale starting Monday, March 24 out of D7 during brunch, lunch, and after-school for up to 15 minutes. 
3/24-3/25 $110 WHS/ $120 Guest
3/26- 4/31 $120 WHS/ $130 Guest
4/1- 4/4 $125 WHS/ $135Guest
Student Activities accepts cash and credit cards. NO CHECKS! 
Tickets are NOT sold at the door.  Tickets sales will end on April 4! 
All current WHS Junior and Senior students are welcome to purchase a ticket as long as they are cleared of detentions and fines. If students have questions about these, they should check in with their AVP.  
Woodside students are allowed to bring ONE guest, either a non-Woodside student or an underclassman (freshman or sophomore) provided a Guest Pass is properly obtained prior to the dance. A Guest Pass Request form will need to be completed for the underclassman or non-WHS high school student, and turned into the Junior/Senior AVPs office. Only high school students are welcome to attend the dance. All guest tickets will be sold at the guest price.
Guest Request Forms, also known as Guest Passes, may be picked up in D7 or on the school website and require the signature of the Woodside student's parents and the Vice Principal of the guest's school. When the Guest Pass Form is complete, the students are to turn it into their appropriate AVP for approval from the WHS administration. The Junior/Senior Woodside student will be given a slip that is to be brought to D7 to purchase a ticket. Guest pass forms will be due to the AVP’s office no later than Tuesday, April 1, 2025 by 4:00pm. It is suggested that people plan accordingly due to spring break dates for other schools. 
DANCE NIGHT:  Our dances are very well attended and safe.  Attire for this dance is formal; the dress code applies.  Students should bring the following with them to the dance: school ID, ticket receipt, guest pass slip (if applicable).  Food and drink are included in the ticket price. This year the dance will have a variety of food options so people are encouraged to bring an appetite.  Parent volunteers operate a coat check.  At the dance entrance, school administrators will perform and supervise the screening (bags/pockets/breathalyzed) of students.  Students are advised to avoid bringing large bags to the dance.  
Unfortunately there is very limited parking at the venue. THEREFORE STUDENTS ARE NOT TO DRIVE THEMSELVES. Students should be dropped off and picked up. Woodside High School is working to provide a bus to prom for those who need transportation, but space will be limited. More information will be made available. 
Prom 2025 Donation

Prom_2025_Donation iconProm 2025 Donationtitle



All students will reserve a graduation unit (cap, gown and tassel) at NO COST! Please go to the link or scan the QR code. Families who are interested in purchasing graduation announcements and class rings should mark the boxes at the end of the form.
¡Todos los estudiantes reservarán una unidad de graduación (birrete, toga y borla) SIN COSTO! Por favor, ingrese al enlace o escanee el código QR. Las familias que estén interesadas en comprar anuncios de graduación y anillos de clase deben marcar las casillas al final del formulario.
Reserve Cap and Gown 2025


Juniors and Seniors are allowed to purchase a school parking pass. In order to make the purchase, all required forms must be turned in. Passes are sold on a first come basis for $50. 
At Wildcat Welcome Day on Tuesday, August 13 during the Junior/Senior time ONLY, there will be a station set up for students to submit their required paperwork and to pay for the parking pass. Students must bring their OWN COPIES of the the required forms. We will NOT be able to make copies for anyone. 
Required Forms
PTSA-Buy a Brick

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PTSA-Buy a Brick

Leave a legacy with this great gift for Woodside High School students, past and present, or to thank a special teacher or staff member. For $150, your personalized brick will be placed on the entrance walkway in front of the administration building, a permanent part of the landscape at Woodside High School.
To purchase, use this link:
Email Naomi at
Buy a Brick
ABO Spirit Wear

ABO_Spirit_Wear icon
ABO Spirit Wear

Time to stock up on some new WHS spirit attire through the Athletic Booster Organization.
Please go to the online store and purchase items.
ABO Spirit Wear
Click Below to Buy Your 24-25 Yearbook

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Click Below to Buy Your 24-25 Yearbook

Yearbook Banner
Academic Assistance

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Varsity Tutors

Varsity Tutors is a free 24/7 online tutorial offered through the Sequoia Union High School District.
Varsity Tutor Varsity Tutor
Varsity Tutor-SpanishVarsity Tutor-Spanish


Tutorial is a time period built into the school day that allows students time to work on assignments, meet with teachers, and make up tests or quizzes. This time is dedicated to students to use for academic puposes. 
To learn more about how the tutorial program works, please click on this link
Tutorial Program
Prom 2025 Donation

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RWC Boys & Girls Club

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RWC Boys & Girls Club

The Boys and Girls Club has all kinds of programs to support you academically, socially, and vocationally. 
Click HERE for the application and information.
Welcome to Woodside High School

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Welcome to Woodside High School

Woodside High School is a fully accredited four-year comprehensive secondary school that has been serving the communities of the mid-peninsula since its opening in 1958. The 34-acre campus lies just east of the Santa Cruz Mountains and is one of four comprehensive campuses in the Sequoia Union High School District. The District’s total student population is
approximately 10,000.

The mid-peninsula is an area of great economic diversity containing some of the most affluent and the most economically deprived communities in the state. Just north of Silicon Valley and Stanford University, Woodside High School is influenced greatly by the rapidly evolving business and cultural interests of the region. Over the past half-century, Woodside High School has
emerged as one of the most dynamic and diverse comprehensive high schools on the San Francisco peninsula. We have been listed in Newsweek Magazine’s list of top high schools, and offer one of the most rigorous advanced placement college preparatory programs in the region.
Please review the most recent school profile to learn more. 

Upcoming Events

Upcoming_Events iconUpcoming Eventstitle

  • Holidays in United States
  • Woodside Activities
  • Woodside Athletics
  • Woodside Community
  • Woodside Academic Calendar
  • WS-Woodside-Master-Calendar
Weekly Wildcat Notes

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The Paw Print

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The Paw Print

    The Paw Print
Student Learning

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Polymer Lab in Chemistry Class

Goat Yoga

Students study wavelength of light

Goat Yoga

Group Presentations

AVID Students Working Together


I Am Woodside Video

I_Am_Woodside_Video iconI Am Woodside Videotitle

Course Catalog

Course_Catalog iconCourse Catalogtitle


Announcements iconAnnouncementstitle

Why Sequoia Union High School District?

The mission of the Sequoia Union High School District is to engage and prepare all students to excel in a global society. The Sequoia Union High School District will provide a rigorous, engaging, and comprehensive instructional program with strong supports to prepare all students for high standards of academic achievement and future career opportunities.